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Джон Кентон - 33.3%
Карлос Детвейлер - 0%
Роджер Уэйд - 2.4%
Сандра Джексон - 2.4%
Херб Портер - 0%
Билл Гелб - 0%
Ридли Уокер - 7.1%
Генерал Хекслер - 40.5%
Рут Танака - 11.9%
Другой персонаж - 2.4%

Всего голосов: 42
Голосование окончено on: 28 Сен 2021 - 00:00

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Antichess Openings Explorer

Antichess Openings Explorer

Statistics can say a lot. Especially when there's no clear theory. This application (which is based on more than 250 000 games of top players) is an attempt to better understand the one of chess variants - Antichess (also known as the losing game, giveaway chess, suicide chess or losums). The collected statistics (the first 15 moves) can help players choose the good strategy which will succeed.

What is Antichess?

From lichess.org:
Antichess is an eccentric variant where you lose all your pieces or get stalemated to win.
- Pieces move the same way they do in standard chess; however, kings lose their royal powers - they cannot castle, and checks are no longer a threat. Since kings have lost their royal powers, pawns may be promoted to kings.
- Capturing is forced. If you can take a piece, you must. If multiple pieces can be captured, you may choose which piece you capture.


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