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Джон Кентон - 33.3%
Карлос Детвейлер - 0%
Роджер Уэйд - 2.4%
Сандра Джексон - 2.4%
Херб Портер - 0%
Билл Гелб - 0%
Ридли Уокер - 7.1%
Генерал Хекслер - 40.5%
Рут Танака - 11.9%
Другой персонаж - 2.4%

Всего голосов: 42
Голосование окончено on: 28 Сен 2021 - 00:00

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Chess Dutch Defense (Free Version)

Chess Dutch Defense (Free Version)

Learn chess opening - Dutch Defense, solving multiple puzzles from real games.

One of the best way to study chess opening is to solve puzzles from real games in which the opening takes place.
In this application you are invited to solve tactics and find the strongest moves in games started with Dutch Defense. You can see a solution of the puzzle, you can see a game in which the puzzle took place.
No doubt, with this application you will play Dutch Defense much better.

The Dutch Defence is a chess opening characterised by the moves: 1. d4 f5.
Elias Stein (1748–1812), an Alsatian who settled in The Hague, recommended the defence as the best reply to 1.d4 in his 1789 book.


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