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Ваш любимый персонаж книги

Джон Кентон - 33.3%
Карлос Детвейлер - 0%
Роджер Уэйд - 2.4%
Сандра Джексон - 2.4%
Херб Портер - 0%
Билл Гелб - 0%
Ридли Уокер - 7.1%
Генерал Хекслер - 40.5%
Рут Танака - 11.9%
Другой персонаж - 2.4%

Всего голосов: 42
Голосование окончено on: 28 Сен 2021 - 00:00

Green must be seen



Chess Endgame Puzzles Pro

Chess Endgame Puzzles Pro

Solve thousands of chess endgame puzzles grouped by theme.

In chess, the endgame (or ending) is the stage of the game when few pieces are left on the board.
With this application you can solve thousands of chess endgame puzzles grouped by theme (Pawn endgame, Knight endgame, Bishop endgame, Rook endgame, Queen endgame, Queen vs. Rook endgame). Also you can choose different types of boards and chess pieces.


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